
Dr Jonathan Rose

Job: Associate Professor in Politics and Research Methodology

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: School of Leadership, Management and Marketing

Address: º£½ÇÉçÇø, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 257 7772

E: jonathan.rose@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Jonathan Rose is an Associate Professor in Politics and Research Methodology and currently serves as the head of research ethics in the Faculty of Business and Law. He worked at the University of Nottingham between 2011 and 2015 as a research fellow, and completed a PhD at the University of Nottingham in 2012. He joined º£½ÇÉçÇø in 2015.

His research and teaching cover research methodology and public policy broadly conceived. His first book, The Public Understanding of Political Integrity, was published by Palgrave in 2014 and investigates what things citizens view as 'integrity', what causes their perceptions of integrity, and what the consequences of those perceptions are. Since then he has published numerous articles and book chapters on issues surrounding public attitudes, corruption, integrity, and good governance. He won the prize for best guest editorial in Public Integrity (2017) for "Brexit, Trump, and Post-Truth Politics". From 2018-19 he worked as managing editor of the journal Public Integrity (published by Taylor & Francis for the American Society for Public Administration). He is the programme leader for MA Public Leadership and Management, as well as supervising a wide range of students undertaking dissertations in topics as diverse as public management, good governance, politics, business administration, and business management.

Methodologically, he is particularly interested measurement models and questions concerning the relative merits of factor analytic and item response theoretic models.

He has worked with a wide range of policymakers across local and national government. He is currently undertaking projects investigating local government and how local systems can be designed for policy success, as well as the role and position of the third sector.

Publications and outputs


Rose, J. (2014). The Public Understanding of Political Integrity: The Case for Probity Perceptions (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).



Rose, J., & Heywood, P. (2013). Political science approaches to integrity and corruption. Human Affairs23(2), 148-159.

Heywood, P. M., & Rose, J. (2014) “Close but no Cigar”: the measurement of corruption. Journal of Public Policy, 34(3), 507-529. 

van der Eijk C., & Rose J. (2015) Risky Business: Factor Analysis of Survey Data – Assessing the Probability of Incorrect Dimensionalisation. PLoS ONE 10(3):e0118900. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118900

Rose, J. (2018) The meaning of corruption: testing the coherence and adequacy of corruption definitions. Public Integrity, 20(3), 220-233

Seyd, B., Curtis, J. & Rose, J. (2018) How Might Reform of the Political System Appeal to Discontented Citizens? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(2), 263 – 284

Andersson-Hudson, J., Rose, J., Humphrey, M., Knight, W., & O'Hara, S. (2019). The structure of attitudes towards shale gas extraction in the United Kingdom. Energy policy129, 693-697.

Rose, J., & Copus, C. (2020). Councillor ethics: a review of the Committee On Standards In Public Life’s ‘Local Government Ethical Standards’. Public Money & Management, 1-7.

van der Eijk, C., & Rose, J. (2021). Winner-loser effects in contentious constitutional referenda-perceptions of procedural fairness and the Brexit referendum. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23(1), 104-120

Rose, J., & van der Eijk, C. (2022). The World Isn’t Fair, but Shouldn’t Elections Be? Evaluating Prospective Beliefs about the Fairness of Elections and Referenda. Societies12(3), 85


Chapters in Edited Volumes and Editorials

Heywood, P.M., & Rose, J. (2015) “Curbing Corruption or Promoting Integrity? Probing the hidden conceptual challenge” in Peter Hardi, P.M. Heywood and Davide Torsello (Eds.) Debates on Corruption and Integrity: Perspectives from Europe and the US (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp.102-119.

Rose, J. (2015) Corruption and the Problem of Perception. In: Heywood, Paul (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption. pp.172-182

Heywood, P.M., & Rose, J. (2016) “The Limits of Rule Governance” in Alan Lawton, Zeger Van Der Wal and Leo Huberts (Eds.) Ethics and Public Policy Management: A Global Research Companion (London: Routledge)

Rose, J. (2016) Global Ethics. In: Farazmand, Ali (Ed.) Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer.

Rose, J. (2020) The Contested Definition of Corruption. In: Carole Jurkiewicz (Ed.) Global Corruption & Ethics Management: Transforming Theory into Action. Rowman and Littlefield

Giovannini, A., & Rose, J. (2020). England: The North–South divide. In The Routledge Handbook of British Politics and Society (pp. 215-227). Routledge. 

Official Publications and Published Evidence Submissions

Grasso, M.; The Research Advisory Board of the Committee on Standards in Public Life & Rose, J. (2011) Survey of Public Attitudes Towards Conduct in Public Life 2010 (London: Committee on Standards in Public Life).

Rose, J. & The Research Advisory Board of the Committee on Standards in Public Life (2011) Report on Party Funding Research (London: Committee on Standards in Public Life) [available online: ]

Rose, J. (2016) Public Attitudes towards Standards and the Role of Rule Design (COC0001) (London: House of Commons) [Available online: ]

Rose, J. (2020) Written evidence submitted by Dr Jonathan Rose, Associate Professor in Politics, º£½ÇÉçÇø (COD0012) (London: House of Commons) [Available online: ] 

Giovannini, A.; Griggs, S.; Jones, A.; Parker, S. and Rose, J. (2023) The Future of Local Councils: A survey of Parish, Town and Community Councils in England and Wales. Taunton: Society of Local Council Clerks

Barnett, N.; Griggs, S.; Howarth, D.; Rose, J. (2024) Striving to Thrive: Councillors’ reflections on Local Democracy. APSE. [Available online: ]

Key research outputs

 Rose, J. (2014). The Public Understanding of Political Integrity: The Case for Probity Perceptions (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).

Heywood, P. M., & Rose, J. (2014) “Close but no Cigar”: the measurement of corruption. Journal of Public Policy, 34(3), 507-529. 

van der Eijk C., & Rose J. (2015) Risky Business: Factor Analysis of Survey Data – Assessing the Probability of Incorrect Dimensionalisation. PLoS ONE 10(3):e0118900. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118900

Rose, J. (2018) The meaning of corruption: testing the coherence and adequacy of corruption definitions. Public Integrity, 20(3), 220-233

Seyd, B., Curtis, J. & Rose, J. (2018) How Might Reform of the Political System Appeal to Discontented Citizens? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(2), 263 – 284

van der Eijk, C., & Rose, J. (2021). Winner-loser effects in contentious constitutional referenda-perceptions of procedural fairness and the Brexit referendum. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23(1), 104-120

Research interests/expertise

Public Policy
Social Science Research Methodology
Good governance
Public Administration

Areas of teaching

Dissertation supervision

Social Science Research Methods

Corruption and Integrity


2004 – 2007, BA Politics (2:1), University of Warwick

2007 – 2008, MA Politics, with distinction, University of Warwick

2008 – 2012, PhD Politics, University of Nottingham: “Citizens Perceptions of Standards in Public Life”, ESRC CASE funded, with the UK’s Committee on Standards in Public Life

2015 - 2016, Post-graduate Certificate in Higher Education, with distinction, º£½ÇÉçÇø

º£½ÇÉçÇø taught


Conference attendance

February 2012, “3rd Winter School on Methodological Issues in Comparative Electoral Analysis” (EU Cost action), LUISS Guido Carli, Rome: Visualising quantitative data (winter school tutor)

March 2013, Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) Workshop, University of Nottingham: Factor analysis in social science research – often not what it is claimed to be (guest lecturer)

March 2013, Integrity Management: Theory and Practice Workshop, City University Hong Kong: See no Evil? Perceptions of Integrity within the UK Public Service (workshop participant)

November 2013, ESRC First Year Student Conference, University of Nottingham: The 21st Century PhD: Interdisciplinarity, pathways to career development, and learning beyond Year One (invited speaker)

February 2014, Committee on Standards in Public Life, Cabinet Office: Understanding Citizens’ and Civil Servants’ Perceptions of Public Integrity (guest speaker)

June 2014, DG Home LRCC Network Meeting, Brussels (as UK country expert)

Consultancy work

2011, Committee on Standards in Public Life, econometric modelling for Political Party Finance: Ending the Big Donor Culture

2011 – 2015, EU Directorate-General for Home Affairs, UK country expert

Current research students

Haila Altw, PhD Student studying trust in international business contexts. 2nd supervisor. Completed February 2018.

Andrew Thomas, MPhil Student studying the politics of space programmes. 1st supervisor. Completed February 2020

Ahmad Al-Hiari, PhD Student studying Jordanian governance. 1st supervisor. Completed 2023. 

Ethan Howard, PhD Student studying community responses to the coronavirus pandemic. 2nd supervisor. 

Externally funded research grants information

2008 – 2011, ESRC CASE PhD studentship, co-funded by the UK’s Committee on Standards in Public Life

2011 – 2014, ESRC / Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Bi-lateral) Re-designing the Integrity Management Framework in the British, Chinese and Hong Kong Public Services (as appointed fellow)

2015, University of Nottingham Research Development Fund (as PI), £1440 awarded to conduct preparatory research on the use of latent variable modelling in social sciences. This research will support a future bid to the ESRC for substantial research funds. 

Professional esteem indicators

Former member of the Editorial Board of the journal Public Integrity (Taylor & Francis)