
Dr Neil Lancastle

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: Hugh Aston Building, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 250 6053

E: neil.lancastle@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

I teach postgraduate courses at º£½ÇÉçÇø: research methods, behavioural finance, and applied trading.
My background is in technology and finance, including Record Currency Management (1998-2000) and Barclays Global Investors (2000-7) where I worked on the development team for iShares. I also have experience in data management at UBS Global Asset Management (2007-9).
I have an MBA in Technology Management from the Open University, and a PhD in Management from the University of Leicester. My PhD is about the carry trade and currency markets.

Research group affiliations

Publications and outputs

Refereed Journal Publications

Lancastle, N. (forthcoming) An Empirical Investigation into the Reversal of the Carry Trade. Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development.

Lancastle, N. (2012) Circuit theory extended: the role of speculation in crises. Economics eJournal. 2012(34). Available from /

Book Reviews

Lancastle, N. (2018) [Review of the book Financial Models and Society: Villains or Scapegoats by E.Svetlova]. Economic Issues 3(2), pp.112-113.

Lancastle, N. (2014) [Review of the book Teaching Post Keynesian Economics by J.Jespersen and M. Ove Madsen]. Review of Keynesian Economics 2(4), pp. 545-6.

Encyclopaedia Entries

Lancastle, N. (2015) Random walk.  In: Rochon, L.P. and Rossi, S. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Central Banking. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Lancastle, N. (2015) Asset management. In: Rochon, L.P. and Rossi, S. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Central Banking. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Areas of teaching

Undergraduate º£½ÇÉçÇø

Advanced Corporate Finance (2014/15- 2016/17) – module leader 2015/16

Professional Communications (2014/15 - 2016/17)

Financial Management (2013/14)

Money and Banking (2013/14)

International Finance (2012/13)

International Business (2011/12 and 2013/14)

Postgraduate º£½ÇÉçÇø

Applied Trading (2018/19) – module leader 2018/19

Research Methods (2015/16 – 2018/9) – module leader 2015/16 - 2018/19

Behavioural Finance (2014/15 - 2018/19) – module leader 2014/15 - 2018/19

Financial Skills (2017/18) – module leader

Corporate Finance (2014/15, 2015/16)

Accounting for Managers (2012/13)

Postgraduate Workshops

Stock flow consistent models: an introduction to theory and technique. Trento, Italy. (2013)


PhD (Management) 2015

MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) 2010

MA (Cantab) 1987

Membership of external committees

Association for Heterodox Economics Conference Organiser 2017-18

Association for Heterodox Economics Committee 2015-2018

Re-teaching Economics 2015-present day

Post Keynesian Study Group (PKSG) 2013-present day

Post-Crash Economics trustee 2015

QAA benchmarking committee (Economics) 2014-15

INET Money Macro Colloquium 2013-2015

Conference attendance

Conference Papers

Lancastle, N. (2018) From Modern Portfolio Theory and Efficient Market Hypothesis to ETFs: performativity mechanisms revealed by the development of the BGI/iShares family of ETF products. AHE Annual Conference, Leicester, UK.

Lancastle, N. (2017) An Empirical Investigation into the Reversal of the Carry Trade. AHE Annual Conference, Manchester, UK.

Lancastle, N. (2015) Six key features of the emerging consensus between Club Class central banks. AHE Annual Conference, Southampton and º£½ÇÉçÇø Research Conference, Leicester.

Lancastle, N. (2014) How should we regulate the carry trade? Ecobate 2014. Winchester, UK.

Lancastle, N. (2014) Rethinking market regulation: A proposal to integrate the National Accounts and expose foreign exchange risks. Conference on Data Standards, Information and Financial Stability. Loughborough, UK.

Lancastle, N. (2012) Extended circuit theory: modelling the impact of government intervention.  6th International Dijon Conference. Dijon, France.

Lancastle, N. (2011) Beyond the Washington Consensus: Accounting for Arbitrage Capital. Quadrangular PhD conference. Lancaster, UK.

Lancastle, N. (2011) A critical analysis of the G5 carry trade as an investible index. First International Conference of COST Action, PhD School. Paris.

Current research students

Rawinder Kaur - Relationship between corporate social responsibility and bankruptcy: Evidence from U.K. - first supervisor, due 2020

Bismark Bediako - Foreign direct investment, finance and political risk: evidence from developing countries – first supervisor, due 2021

Miguel Moniz - Identifying and modelling the channels through which changes in the money stock can influence economic inequality – first supervisor, due 2023

Katarzyna Jaskowiec - A critical analysis of the link between company performance and CEO compensation. Does the structure of compensation in public companies affect corporate risk? – second supervisor, due 2022

Previous Industrial/Professional/ Public Sector Experience

Fidelity International, Consultant, 2010

I managed a programme of technology projects including trade life cycle improvements; systems for high net-worth individuals; systems to reduce operational errors; and bespoke reporting for institutional clients.

UBS, Project Manager, 2007-9

I led data rationalisation and IT cost reduction projects in response to intense pressures after sub-prime losses at the Investment Bank. I managed a global team with developers in London and Singapore. We worked with infrastructure, audit, DBA, production and architecture teams to improve data management, improve quality and reduce costs.

Barclays Global Investors, Software Team Leader, 2000-7

I developed software for portfolio management systems, including BGI's innovative iShares business. Total AUM managed on our systems reached $1 trillion across the index, transitions and active businesses. I gained experience in graduate recruitment and team leading and developed software for the active equity and market neutral managers. Projects included portfolio optimisation; internal trade matching; transaction cost estimation; and portfolio risk management. Our software was used to launch and run a European Market Neutral fund which won the EuroHedge Specialist Fund award in 2002.

Record Treasury Mgt, Software Developer, 1998-2000

I supported and developed systems for currency hedging and active currency investment. Our small team were responsible for all technology functions: procurement, disaster recovery, trading systems, client reporting, statutory reporting and research. I was also a member trustee on the Record Group Pension scheme.

Clerical Medical, Software Developer, 1996-8

I supported projects in fund accounting, including the migration of administration from DataStream to HiPortfolio. I provided hands-on support for tactical projects, such as statutory disclosure reporting.

Sun Alliance,  Business Analyst, 1990-6

I was an analyst for multiple life, pensions and international insurance projects. These included re-engineering point-of-sale systems to allow expert underwriting in real-time, and the printing of policy documents via point-of-sale laptops. In the international business I supported underwriters in niche areas such as cargo and celebrity insurance.

Professional and personal development – key activities

Research Supervision Refresh (2018)

Data Protection Essentials (2018)

Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (2017)

Safe and Supported Training (2017)

Personal Tutor Training (2017)

Certificate in Research Supervision (2015)

Developments in Economics Conference (2015)

Equality and Diversity Training (2015)

Safeguarding Essentials (2015)

Common Problems in Teaching (2012)

PhD Teacher Training (2011)

Postgraduate Research Training (2010)

Other research activity


Transparency Task Force: 21st Century Trusteeship, Governance and Stewardship. London, UK. (2018).

Ukrainian Financial Forum. Ukraine's position in the global economy: key macroeconomic risk and challenges. Odesa, Ukraine. (2018)

IIPPE: Rethinking Economics: Pluralism, Interdisciplinarity and Activism. Leeds, UK. (2015)

Research Visit

Visiting Scholar. Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada. (2013)

Event Organisation

Association for Heterodox Economics 20th Anniversary Conference. Leicester, UK. (2018)

Boom Bust Click. Film Preview and Q&A. Leicester, UK. (2015)

Rethinking Economics. Conference. London, UK. (2014)

Who and What is Management For? PhD Conference. Leicester, UK. (2013)

Leadership roles

Deputy Director, Finance and Banking Research Centre (2019-)

Director, Finance and Banking Research Centre (2016-18)

Faculty IT User Group (2016-)
