
Dr Zowie Davy

Job: Associate Professor

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Research group(s): Centre for LGBTQ Research

Address: º£½ÇÉçÇø, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH

T: 0116 257 7844

E: zowie.davy@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Transgender Studies, LGBTQI Studies, Social Theory, Aesthetics, Body, Sociology of Health, Social Movements, Phenomenology, Depathologization, Affect

Research group affiliations

Centre for LGBTQ Research, School of Applied Social Science

Publications and outputs

Davy, Z. (2023). Nomadic ethics versus adultism: Towards equitable healthcare futures. In J. A. Langarita, A. C. Santos, M. Montenegro, & M. Urek (Eds.), Child-friendly perspectives on gender and sexual diversity: Beyond adultcentrism. London: Routledge: pp.47-62.

Davy, Z., Benson, J., & Barras, A. (2022). Shared care and gender identity support in Primary Care: The perspectives and experiences of parents/carers of young trans people. Health. [Open Access]


Davy, Z. (2023). Affective trans relationships: Towards a Deleuzian approach to friendship theory. In A. C. Santos (Ed.), LGBTQ+ Intimacies in Southern Europe: Citizenship, Care and Choice (pp. 213-232). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Open Access]

Jordan, A., Anitha, S., Jameson, J., & Davy, Z. (2022). Hierarchies of Masculinity and Lad Culture on Campus: Bad Guys, Good Guys and Complicit Men. Men and Masculinities. doi:10.1177/1097184x211064321 [Open Access]

Davy, Z. (2021). Sex/Gender and Self-Determination. Policy developments in law, medicine and pedagogical contexts. Bristol: Policy Press.

Davy, Z. (2020). Freedom Affects in Trans Erotica. In Z. Davy, A. C. Santos, C. Bertone, R. Thoresen, & S. E. Wieringa (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 2, pp. 969-991). London: Sage.

Santos, A. C., Wieringa, S. E., Thoresen, R., Bertone, C., & Davy, Z. (2020). Editors' Introduction. In Z. Davy, A. C. Santos, C. Bertone, R. Thoresen, & W. S. E (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 1, pp. 1-29). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Davy, Z., Santos, A. C., Bertone, C., Thoresen, R., & Wieringa, S. E. (Eds.). (2020). SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 1 & 2). London: Sage.

Anitha, S., Jordan, A., Jameson, J., & Davy, Z. (2020 online first). A Balancing Act: Agency and Constraints in University Students’ Understanding of and Responses to Sexual Violence in the Night-Time Economy. Violence Against Women. doi:10.1177/1077801220908325

Davy, Z., & Cordoba, S. (2020). School Cultures and Trans and Gender Diverse Children: Parents' Perspectives. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 16(4), 349-367.  doi:10.1080/1550428X.2019.1647810

Davy, Z. (2019). Genderqueer(ing): ‘on this side of the world against which it protests’. Sexualities, Special Edition: Trans Genealogies. 22(1-2), 80-96. doi:10.1177/1363460717740255

Davy, Z., & Toze, M. (2018). What Is Gender Dysphoria? A Critical Systematic Narrative Review. Transgender Health, 3(1), 159-169. doi:10.1089/trgh.2018.0014

Jordan, A., Anitha, S., Jameson, J. and Davy, Z (2018). Understanding student
responses to gender-based violence on campus: negotiation, reinscription and resistance. In Anitha, S. and Lewis, R. Gender Based Violence in University Communities: policies, prevention and educational initiatives. Bristol, Policy Press: 189-210.

Hines, S., Davy, Z., Monro, S., Motmans, J., Santos, A. C., & Van Der Ros, J. (2018). Introduction to the themed issue: Trans* policy, practice and lived experience within a European context. Critical Social Policy, 38(1), 5-12. doi:10.1177/0261018317732879

Davy, Z., Sørlie, A., & Suess Schwend, A. (2018). Democratising diagnoses? The role of the depathologisation perspective in constructing corporeal trans citizenship. Critical Social Policy, 38(1), 13-34. doi:10.1177/0261018317731716

Davy, Z. (2015). Facilitating LGBT Medical, Health and Social Care Content in Higher Education Teaching. Qualitative Research in Education, 4(2), 134-162. doi:10.4471/qre.2015.1210

Davy, Z. (2015). The DSM 5 and the politics of diagnosing transpeople. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(5), 1165-1176. doi:10.1007/s10508-015-0573-6

Davy, Z., Middlemass, J., & Siriwardena, A. N. (2015). Patients' and clinicians' experiences and perceptions of the primary care management of insomnia: qualitative study. Health Expectations, 18(5), 1371–1383. doi:10.1111/hex.12119

Davy, Z. (2015). Trans Intelligentsia: A Western Pictorial? TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(4), 676-678. doi:10.1215/23289252-3151601

Siriwardena, A., Shaw, D., Essam, N., Togher, F., Davy, Z., Spaight, A., & Dewey, M. (2014). The effect of a national quality improvement collaborative on prehospital care for acute myocardial infarction and stroke in England. Implementation Science, 9(17), 1-9.

Davy, Z. (2013). Commentary on the construction of Gender Dysphoria at Classifying Sex: Debating DSM 5. Psychology of Women Review Section, Autumn: 63-67.

Togher, F. J., Davy, Z., & Siriwardena, A. N. (2013). Patients’ and ambulance service clinicians’ experiences of prehospital care for acute myocardial infarction and stroke: a qualitative study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 30(11), 942-948. doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-201507

Middlemass, J., Davy, Z., Cavanagh, K., Linehan, C., Morgan, K., Lawson, S., et al. (2012). Integrating online communities and social networks with computerised treatment for insomnia: qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 62(605), Avaialbale at  e840-850.  doi:https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X659321

Davy, Z and Steinbock, E. (2012). ‘Sexing it Up’: Notes towards Theorizing Trans Sexuality. In Hines, S. & Taylor, Y. (Eds), Sexualities: Past Reflections, Future Directions, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan: 266-285.

Davy, Z., Quinn, C., Togher, F., Wilson, H., and Siriwardena, A. N. (2012). Investigating qualitative and quantitative validity of PSYCHLOPS: a novel Patient Reported Outcome Measure in a pilot study of primary care management of insomnia. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 2(4), 845-852.

Davy, Z. & Siriwardena, A. N. (2012). To be or not to be LGBT in primary health care: health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. British Journal of General Practice. 62(602), 491-492. doi:https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X654731

Davy, Z. (2011). The promise of intersectionality theory in primary care. Quality in Primary Care, 19(5), 279-281.

Davy, Z (2011). Recognizing Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing. (2012 Winner BSA’s Philip Abrams’ Memorial Prize).

Davy, Z. (2011). Crossing Sexual Boundaries: Transgender Journeys Uncharted Paths. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 1065-1066.

Davy, Z., Siriwardena, A. N., and Togher, F., (2010). Education for Quality Improvement Projects for General Practice Registrars (EQuIP- GPR): Educational Intervention and Evaluation. Commissioned by East Midlands Deanery.

Kane, R. & Davy, Z. (2010). Evaluation of the Greta Ross sexual health clinic, Louth. Commissioned by NHS Lincolnshire.

Davy, Z. (2010). The Disabling Affects of a Sexed System: An Exploration of Intersexuality, Transgender and Sexual Citizenship. In Shuttleworth, R. & Sanders, T. (Eds), Sexuality & Disability: Politics, Identity, Access. Leeds, Disability Press: 179-195.

Davy, Z. (2010). Transsexual Agents: Negotiating Authenticity and Embodiment within the UK’s Medicolegal System. In Hines, S. & Sanger, T. (Eds) Transgender Identities: towards a social analysis of gender diversity. London, Routledge: 106-126.

Davy, Z. (2009). United Kingdom. In Stewart, C (Ed). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide Volume 2. Santa Barbara, Greenwood Press: 439-452.

Davy, Z., Downes, J., Eckert, L., Gerodetti, N., Llinares, D., & Santos, A. C. (Eds.). (2008). Bound and Unbound: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Genders and Sexualities, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Davy, Z. (2008). Bound to the Dual-Sex/Gender System: (Trans) Gendering and Body Modification as Narcissistic Self Regard. In Davy, Z., Llinares, D., Gerodetti, N., Santos, A. C., Downes, J., Ekert, L. (Eds). Bound and Unbound: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Genders and Sexualities. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press: 112-130.

Research interests/expertise

The body, feminist theory, queer theory, phenomenology, human rights,Inequalities, LGBTQ, Sociology of Health, Research Methods

Areas of teaching

Dissertation Supervision (UG and PG)

Health and Wellbeing in Youth Work and Community Development

Health and Social Research Methods

Human Growth and Development

Inter-professional Education

Research methods

Sociology of Health

Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights (Honorary Teaching Fellow, University of Coimbra, Portugal)






Honours and awards

[Nov 2013] Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

[Oct 2012] Feminist Review Trust £300 Forthcoming Feminisms Conference Weetwood Hall, Leeds. This award has been granted annually (2012-2015) for events organized by the BSA Gender Study Group.

[Apr 2012] Winner, British Sociological Association Philip Abram’s Memorial Prize for Recognizing Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment. Ashgate.

[Aug 2011] BSA ECF development award: £300

[Oct 2010] Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness: £550. Award granted for Intersectionality: Theory and Practice for Quality Improvement in Healthcare. School of Health and Social Care Seminar Series 2010/11, University of Lincoln.

[Jun 2006] Roberts Money: £500 Award granted for Gender: The Next Generation, Conference University of Leeds.

[Jun 2006] Feminist Trust: £750 Award granted for Gender: The Next Generation, Conference, University of Leeds.

[2003 - 2007] Economic and Social Research Council, 1+3 Scholarship Award: University of Leeds.

Membership of external committees

International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society 2015 - 2018, Board of Directors

European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network (RN23) 2015 - 2017, Co-Chair

Membership of professional associations and societies

British Sociological Association Gender Study Group Co-founder and Coordinator 2009 - 2015

British Sociological Association Member 2004 - present

European Sociological Association Member 2010 - present


Gender identity support in Primary Care: the perspectives and experiences of transgender young people (YP) and their families. In collaboration with Mermaids.

School Cultures and Gender Variant Children: Parents’ and Guardians’ Perspectives.

SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities, Editors Davy, Z., Santos, A. N., Bertone, C., Thoresen, R. and Weiringa, S.

Conference attendance

 [Aug 2021] European Professional Association for Transgender Health: Reconnecting and Redefining Transgender Healthcare, Gothenburg. A Year+ in review (Keynote)  

[Jun 2021] ESA Sexuality Network, Seminar Series. Mapping Global Sexualities. The SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities, book launch, Davy et al. (Invited Speakers)

[Jun 2021] Queering the Curriculum, University of Suffolk. Queering the Curriculum. (Invited Speaker)

[Feb 2019] Feminist Methodologies 2019, Loughborough University. Research assemblages and epistemological commitments. (Invited Speaker)

[Oct 2018] Queering Friendship, INTIMATE Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Gendered School Cultures as Limit-Situations: The Roles of friendship and Friends in Challenging Gender-Normativity.

[Jun 2018] Trans Health: Discourse, Power and Possibility. What is Gender Dysphoria? At least, in the Literature. Co-Presenting Michael Toze. University Of Leeds, UK.  (Invited Speaker)

[May 2018] Summer School 2018: The Good, the Bad and the Monster: Queers, Crips and (other) Misfits. University of Coimbra, Portugal. (Invited Speaker)

[Feb 2018] LGBT History Month, º£½ÇÉçÇø. What are the Facilitators of and Barriers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Medical, Health and  Social Care Teaching in Higher Education? (Invited Speaker)

 [Aug 2017] European Sociological Association, Athens. School Cultures: Trans and Gender Diverse Kids at School: Parents Perspectives.

[Jul 2017] Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. ‘School Cultures: Parents of Trans and Gender Diverse Children Perspectives. (Vising Speaker Seminar)

[Jul 2017] Queer Studies: Looking Back, Looking Forward, (BSA). University of Surrey. ‘Genderqueer(ing): “on this side of the world against which it protests”’ (Keynote)

[Apr 2017] European Professional Association of Transgender Health, Belgrade. Gender Dysphoria: A Meta-Narrative Review.

[Feb 2017] History of Sexuality, Institute of Historical Research, University of London. ‘Contesting linear health services for trans people: a genealogical approach.’ (Visiting Speaker Seminar)

[Feb 2017] º£½ÇÉçÇø Pride, º£½ÇÉçÇø. Trans Social Movements and Mental Health Issues. (Invited Speaker)

[May 2016] Transforming Research Practice: Towards ‘Best Practice’ in Transgender and Non-binary Inclusive Social Research. University of Strathclyde. (Keynote)

[Mar 2015] European Professional Association of Transgender Health, Ghent. Democratizing Diagnoses: (Trans*)forming the DSM 5.

[Feb 2015] Equality is Not Enough, Brussels. The contestation of a linear model of health and psychiatric service provision for a heterogeneous trans community. (Invited Speaker)

[Jul 2014] XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Facing and Unequal World, Challenges for Global Sociology, Yokohama.  Bodily aesthetic affects in trans erotica: towards a wider ‘spectra of desire.’

[Jun 2014] ESRC Retheorizing Gender and Sexuality: The Emergence of ‘Trans’, University of Warwick, (Keynote). Kinsey’s Misused Legacy: Moving on from continuums.

[Apr 2014] British Sociological Association, Changing Society, University of Leeds. Special Event Panel: Changing Bodies Changing Society: Where are the bodies?: LGBT (dis)embodiment in health education, accreditation policies and teaching spaces.

[Mar 2013] Visiting Speaker Seminar, Department of Sociology, University of York: The Construction of Gender Dysphoria: Debating DSM-5.

[Sep 2013] European Sociological Association, Crisis, Critique and Change, Universita Delgi Studi di Torino. Changing healthcare practitioners’ and teachers’ views about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Medical, Health and Social Care.

[Jul 2013] Classifying Sex: Debating DSM-5, University of Cambridge. (Invited Speaker) Will it make a difference or is it just semantics?: Diagnosing trans people in the DSM 5.

[Jun 2013] Recognizing Diversity?: Gender and Sexual Equalities In Principle and Practice, University of Leeds. (Invited Speaker) Recognition in the DSM V: Gender Dysphoria and the Semantics of Power.

[Apr 2013] Spotlight on Genderqueer, Warwick University, UK. (Keynote) Genderqueer(ing): ‘on this side of the world against which it protests’

[Dec 2012] Controversies and Confrontations: Violence and Agency, University Wien, Austria. (Invited Speaker) Differences in sexual development: Towards a phenomenological understanding of gender variance.

[Oct 2012] Medical Education Conference, University of Leeds. Facilitating LGBT Medical, Health and Social Care Content in Higher Education Teaching and Postgraduate General Practice Training.

[Dec 2011] Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Seminar Series, University of Leeds, UK (Invited Speaker). Erotic Images: towards new conceptualizations of trans sexualities.

[Jul 2011] IASSCS VIII, Madrid. ‘Sexing it Up: Towards New Conceptualizations of Trans-Sexuality.’

[Feb 2011] Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Huddersfield, UK. ‘Suppressive Tropes: (mis)recognition of transsexuals’ agency.’

Recent research outputs


Key articles information

Davy, Z., Santos, A. C., Bertone, C., Thoresen, R., & Wieringa, S. E. (Eds.). (2020). SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 1 & 2). London: Sage.

Davy, Z. (2021). Sex/Gender and Self-Determination. Policy developments in law, medicine and pedagogical contexts. Bristol: Policy Press.

Davy, Z. (2011). Recognizing Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment. Aldershot: Ashgate. Winner of the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Proze 2012

Consultancy work

[Apr 2015] Post Graduate: Teaching, Social Construction of Genders and Sexualities in Health. University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

[Sept 2013] Lincoln Hospital Trust, Transgender Employee Policy.

[Oct 2012] Swansea Hospital Trust, Transgender Employee Policy.             

[Aug 2010] Focus Group Training, East Midlands Ambulance service (EMAS).

[Oct 2008] ‘Wig Out’ Directed by Dominic Cooke, Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Sq. London.

Current research students

Alexus Martinez (California Institute for Integral Studies, US) External Committee Member: Non-Binary Subjectivities.

Sitira Williams (º£½ÇÉçÇø) Primary Supervisor: The lived experiences of parents of trans and gender expansive children's familial relationships: An Intersectionality Approach.

Paschal Gumadwong Bagonza (º£½ÇÉçÇø) Primary Supervisor: Queer Lenses: Lived and Embodied Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer Asylum Seekers and Refugees in United Kingdom. 

Externally funded research grants information

[Jun 2017-May 2019] British Academy: £6045. Davy, Z. (PI) Moretti-Pires, R (CO-I). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Sex-Work Migration and Health Implication.

[Mar 2011-Feb 2012] East Midlands Health Innovation and Education Cluster (EMHIEC): £39,833. Siriwardena, A N, Kane R, Davy, Z Middlemass, J., Johnson, C., Fyall, A., Harrison, A. Improving Primary Care Resources for Effective Sleep Treatment (IPCREST).

Internally funded research project information

[Jan 2018-Jun 2018] School Research Funds: º£½ÇÉçÇø. £988. School Cultures Workshop for Leicestershire Health and Social Care Professionals.

[Feb 2017-Jan 2018] VC2020 Investment Fund: º£½ÇÉçÇø. £5000. School Cultures and Gender Variant Children: Parents’ and Guardians’ Perspectives.

[Jan 2017- Dec 2018] RIF: º£½ÇÉçÇø. £1000. Jaspal, R and Davy, Z. The experience of living with HIV among Trans Women: A Qualitative Study.

[Sept 2014-Jul 2017] PhD Studentship: Michael Toze, University of Lincoln. RIF2014S-19

[Oct 2013- Sep 2015] RIF: University of Lincoln. £45,948. Sundari, A, Davy, Z,             Walsh, A. Jordan, A and Jones, J. Stand Together: Challenging gender-based   violence through prevention education.

[Oct 2012-Sep 2013] College of Social Science Fund: University of Lincoln, £3000. Davy, Z. (PI), Amsler, S., Duncombe, K. Facilitating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Medical, Health and Social Care Content in Higher Education Teaching.

Professional esteem indicators

[2015-2018] International Consultant, Santos, A. C. INTIMATE - Citizenship, Care and Choice: The Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe, University of Coimbra. European Research Council Funded Project.

[2016 - Present] Associate Board: Sociology.

[2015 - Present] Board of Directors/Full member: International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS). Scientific Coordinator Conference.

[2015 - Present] Scientific Coordinator (Social Science) European Professional Association of Transgender Health Conference.

[2013 - 2018] Editorial Board: Sociological Research Online.           

[2013 - Present] Vice-Chair/Member European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network

[2011 - 2014] Co-Founder and Co-Convener: BSA Gender Study Group.


Case studies

[Apr 2017] º£½ÇÉçÇø Trans and Non-Binary Staff and Student Policy

[Sept 2013] Lincoln Hospital Trust, Transgender Employee Policy.

[Oct 2012] Swansea Hospital Trust, Transgender Employee Policy.

Research Students Completed

Sebastian Cordoba (º£½ÇÉçÇø) Completion January 2020 - Exploring Non-binary Genders: Language and Identity.

Michael Toze (University of Lincoln) External Supervisor, Completion: February 2018 - Health and Social Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Older People in Primary Care