
Accommodation frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions about university-sourced accommodation are below. If you have a question that is not listed, please email the Accommodation Office on accommodation@dmu.ac.uk.

Jump to section:

Online booking system
Applying for halls
Hall facilities
Special requirements
Living in halls


Online booking system


  1. Why do I keep being diverted to a 'Service busy' page?

    This is due to the high volume of use. Please keep trying to log in.
  2. The system keeps timing me out. What should I do?

    Once you have picked your room, you have three minutes to complete the transaction. Please try again and complete within the allotted time.
  3. There are no rooms available in the residence that I want to book. What should I do?

    You will need to select a different residence. It is always advisable to have a shortlist of a few preferred residences in case your first choice is unavailable. Please note that availability changes regularly.
  4. Why do I have to make a booking payment?

    Your booking payment is required for all bookings to complete your provisional booking. The total booking payment is £200.

    The £200 represents either an advance rent payment or a damage deposit (depending on the accommodation that you have chosen) which is refundable if a booking is cancelled.

    The £200 payment referred to above will be treated as advance rent in relation to The Glassworks, Newarke Street, Castle Court, Liberty Park, and Newarke Point, and as a damage deposit in relation to Bede Hall, New Wharf Hall.

  5. I have booked a room and paid the booking payment, but I've changed my mind and do not want accommodation. What should I do?

    You may cancel your provisional booking at any time by contacting the Accommodation Office. We will cancel your booking and arrange a refund of your booking payment.
  6. How can I change the room I have booked?

    You can cancel your provisional booking and rebook a different room online (subject to availability). In order to do this, you will need to select the 'Request cancellation' button under 'My booking'. Once your original room booking has been cancelled, you will need to go back into the online booking system and book another room. You will not have to make another booking payment.
  7. I don’t have the money available to pay the online booking payment. What should I do?

    Unfortunately, if you are unable to make the booking payment, we cannot reserve a room for you. Please contact our Money and Welfare team who will be able to give you some advice and guidance on options you may wish to explore.


Applying for halls


  1. When can I book accommodation?

    The booking system for 24/25 entry opens on 12 March.

    N.B. It is important that you let your faculty know if you change your email address at any time as this will be how we contact you. If you need to update it, please change it on your UCAS account or contact admissions@dmu.ac.uk

  2. My course starts in January. Can I book a place in halls?

    As long as you meet the eligibility criteria you can book a room in university-sourced halls of residences, subject to availability.
  3. How do I make º£½ÇÉçÇø my firm choice?

    If you have applied through UCAS, you will need to use to reply to the offer with either a firm acceptance or an insurance acceptance.

    If you are an international student not applying through UCAS then you will need to contact the admissions department in order to accept your offer of a place on a course and make the tuition fee deposit payment before you are eligible to apply.

  4. How do I book accommodation?

    We use an online booking system. Watch the below video for an explainer on the booking process:

    You are eligible to book once you have made º£½ÇÉçÇø your first choice. Once we have opened the booking system, we will email you with your login instructions.

    At each stage of the booking process you will be sent an email advising you of the next stage and what you need to do.

    See more information on how to book.

  5. What if I’m on holiday or travelling when I need to book/confirm my room?

    If you are unable to get access to the internet to complete your booking or check your emails during the application period, you can nominate someone to act on your behalf. To do this, please email us from the email address that we have on record for you, providing the details of the person that you are authorising to book your accommodation. This will then allow us to discuss your application with your nominated person if they should have any queries or experience any problems. Any emails that are sent out as part of the booking process will continue to be delivered to the email address that the university has on record for you.
  6. Will I get my first choice of accommodation?

    Our online booking system allows you to choose your preferred hall and a specific room within that hall, subject to availability. Rooms are booked on a first-come first-served basis, so we recommend that you book as early as possible to have the best chance of securing your first choice location.
  7. Is accommodation allocated to students according to their course?

    Not usually, although there are certain courses for which we do allocate students together in specific halls, e.g. Art & Design Foundation students are accommodated in Castle Court and Bede Hall, as they begin earlier than students on other courses.

    NHS students (Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine & Ambulance Practice) are also offered accommodation at either Bede or New Wharf Hall, as they will be working shifts and require longer contracts.

  8. Can I book a room next to my friend?

    The only way to try and arrange a room next to, or in the same flat as, a friend is to make your online bookings at the same time, choosing rooms in the same flat or close to each other if available.
  9. What happens once I have chosen my room online?

    After you have made your choice online you will be asked to make a booking fee payment of £200.

    The £200 represents either an advance rent payment or a damage deposit (depending on the accommodation that you have chosen) which is refundable if a booking is cancelled.

    You will need to confirm your booking within 30 days or before a specified date, for which we will email you the necessary details. This will involve completing tenancy documents, guarantor details and setting up your future rent payments. (If you hold a conditional offer, you will have a 14-day cooling off period once it becomes unconditional.)

    In August, once you have confirmed your booking, we will send you an email with login details to your university pre-induction. Within this there is a mandatory halls module, which all students must complete before moving into their room. After completing the pre-induction you will be asked to book an arrival slot for the intake weekend.

    See more information on how to book.

  10. What if I do not get the grades that I was hoping for?

    If you do not receive the results to meet your conditional firm offer, unless you also have an insurance offer with º£½ÇÉçÇø, your booking will be cancelled immediately. If you have paid a booking fee, the £200 advance rent/damage deposit will be refunded to the same account that you used to make the payment within 5-14 working days.
  11. I cannot make the booking fee payment online. What should I do?

    If you would like to pay by either bank transfer or another method of payment that takes longer than 24-hours to clear, please contact the accommodation office so that we can ensure your booking is not cancelled after the 24-hour deadline.

  12. How do I confirm my booking?

    You will be sent an email detailing how to confirm your booking.

    If you have booked a place in a º£½ÇÉçÇø-managed hall you will need to log back into the booking system and complete step three.

    Private accommodation confirmation steps vary. However, you will be sent a separate email from your accommodation provider. You will need to register on their system, agree to a tenancy document, provide guarantor details, and set up your future rent payments. You may also be required to pay the first rent instalment. If you have already returned your tenancy documents when you receive your unconditional offer you will have a 14-day cooling-off period.

    N.B. Once you have confirmed your booking you are contracted to the room and will be liable for the rent for the duration of the tenancy, the first rent payment may be due before you receive your student loan.

    See more information on the booking process.

  13. What is a guarantor?

    A guarantor is someone who agrees to confirm that a tenant has the ability to pay the rent, and for any damages. They will be held responsible for any payments due that are not paid by the tenant.

    Without a suitable guarantor, some halls of residence will require you to pay all of your annual rent in advance.

  14. What happens if º£½ÇÉçÇø is my insurance choice, or if I come through clearing?

    If you decide to accept your insurance offer or apply for a course through clearing, then you will be able to book a room in halls online – subject to availability – once you have made your offer firm.

    At this point in the application cycle there may be limited availability. Please contact the Accommodation Office if you cannot find a room online.

  15. How can I cancel my booking?

    If your room booking is still provisional (or if you still have a conditional offer), you can cancel at any time by putting your request into writing. If you have paid the booking fee, you will be entitled to a refund which will be returned to the same bank account that you used to make the original payment. If you have confirmed your booking (and have an unconditional firm offer) but no longer want your room then you will not be able to cancel the contract unless a suitable replacement can be found.

    Exceptions to this are if you cancel your room within a cooling-off period outlined in your contract, if you are an international student who is no longer going to be studying at º£½ÇÉçÇø due to visa problems, or if you have booked a º£½ÇÉçÇø-managed hall and will no longer be attending º£½ÇÉçÇø (these exceptions are all subject to terms and conditions outlined in documentation available throughout the booking period. For more information, please contact the Accommodation Office). If you feel that your circumstances may entitle you to cancel your contract, but the above conditions do not apply, then please write to us detailing your situation and we will advise you.

  16. My booking has been cancelled but I still need a room. What shall I do?

    Your booking will have been cancelled because you have either not paid the booking payment within 24 hours of reserving a room, or you have made the booking payment but failed to confirm your booking within the set timeframe.

    You can log back into the system and reserve a room. In both cases, you will need to make the booking payment within 24 hours.

  17. What happens if I do not want university-sourced accommodation?

    If you do not want to live in university-sourced accommodation then there are a lot of other options for students in Leicester. Although we do not deal directly with private-sector bookings, and cannot endorse any private providers, we can advise you regarding what options are available, where to look for private accommodation, and what to look for when choosing somewhere to live. If you wish to stop receiving emails regarding accommodation then please contact the Accommodation Office.
  18. Can I book in my second and third year?

    Only students that meet the specified criteria are eligible to book. Students who are eligible to book must make the booking payment for each booking, including those made in subsequent years.



º£½ÇÉçÇø-sourced halls


  1. How much does it cost?

    Weekly prices range from £95 - £158.50, though the contract length will affect the overall contract fee. Please note that you will have to commit to paying for the whole contract length as an accommodation contract is legally binding.
  2. What are the start-up costs likely to be?

    Start-up costs will vary, but for essential items like bedding, cutlery, crockery, kitchen utensils etc., £150 would be an average cost.
  3. When do I pay the rent?

    The rent payment schedule varies depending upon which hall you book, so it is important for you to consider this before choosing your hall. All payment options and schedules are detailed on the individual hall pages of the website.

    For º£½ÇÉçÇø managed halls contracts you will not be required to make the first rent instalment until after you enrol and have received your first loan payment.

    Whilst the halls do not require a payment prior to arrival check the instalments dates and ensure you have your finance available to make the payments. Your student loan is not usually be deposited until after you have enrolled on your course. Some useful links while considering your options and budget:

    The amount due and the instalment options available depend on which hall you select and the type of guarantor you have. In some cases you may be required to pay the full rental amount for the entire contracted period if you do not have a suitable guarantor. The first rent payment due is in addition to the booking payment.

  4. I've booked and confirmed my room, but now do not think I can make the first rent payment. What should I do?

    The dates of the instalments listed on the website are when the payments are due once you are contracted to the room. In certain circumstances, halls can be flexible with the initial instalment date. Please contact your hall of residence directly to discuss.



Hall facilities

For more information regarding the facilities in halls of residence, please see the individual hall pages.


  1. Are halls mixed or single gender?

    Halls are mixed gender, but flats are either single or mixed gender.

    It will be clear which type of flat (single gender or mixed) you are booking when you book online. In rare cases we may need to make a flat single/mixed gender for operational reasons, but if this applies to your booking you will be notified by email.

  2. Is there any car parking available at the halls?

    Parking is extremely limited. Some halls have a few parking spaces available, but we recommend that you don’t bring a car unless absolutely essential. Most facilities are within walking distance of the university and public transport in Leicester is very good. Halls with parking facilities allocate their spaces according to different criteria; some have disabled parking spaces available, whilst others allocate on a first-come, first-served basis. You will need to contact the hall directly regarding car parking. If you secure a parking space there will generally be an additional charge.
  3. How far are the halls from campus?

    All the halls are either on, or otherwise very close to campus. They are also close to the city centre, so you are near to all facilities, and are all within easy walking distance of each other, so you won’t have far to walk to visit your friends.
  4. Are any meals provided in halls?

    No. All accommodation is self-catered with a shared kitchen. However, there are shops, cafés, pubs, and campus catering nearby for those occasions when you are just too busy to cook, or fancy a treat.
  5. Is there a cleaner?

    You are responsible for cleaning your own room and kitchen. In º£½ÇÉçÇø halls, bathrooms are cleaned. If you have en-suite or studio accommodation then you will be responsible for cleaning your own bathroom.
  6. Do I have to pay Council Tax?

    No. All full-time students are exempt from Council Tax. Local councils require a certificate as evidence of student status before they can grant exemption to you. To obtain this, please log onto Myº£½ÇÉçÇø and select the ‘My Documents’ tile. You will then be able to download and print the certificate.
  7. Do I need a TV licence?

    Students must be covered by a TV Licence if they:

    • watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV, or live on an online TV service
    • download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer, whether live or on demand.
    • This applies no matter what device they use, whether it’s a TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, games console, digital box, or Bluray/DVD/VHS recorder.

      Download TV license information document.

  8. Do I need insurance?

    All halls have contents insurance included, but you may need to pay a small premium for any specific items of value. Make sure you check what is included in your specific hall before you come to university.
  9. What will I need to bring?

    Halls are fully furnished, but you’ll need to bring your own cooking utensils, crockery and cutlery, bedding and towels. You may want to wait until after you arrive to purchase any items needed for the communal areas so that you don’t end up with everybody bringing the same items for your flat.
  10. Is there internet access in halls?

    Yes. All halls have internet access. The type & speed varies depending on which hall you choose. The service provider for The Glassworks and Newarke Street is Ask4. The service provider for Bede Hall, New Wharf Hall, Castle Court, Newarke Point and Liberty Park is Glide. You will be able to register for access upon arrival.
  11. Will I have to share a room?

    No – all our university-sourced rooms are single occupancy.
  12. How many share a kitchen?

    It depends on which hall and flat you choose. You will be able to see the floor plan on the booking system. If you have booked a studio flat you will have your own kitchen facilities and no shared area within your flat.
  13. Will I get my own cupboard for groceries?

    Halls have adequate shared kitchen, fridge, and freezer storage space for all residents.
  14. How many people share a bathroom?

    In a standard flat in Bede Hall, up to 10 people will share bathroom facilities. In Bede, there are flats of 7, 8, 9 and 10, with two showers and two toilets. In New Wharf, flats of 7, 8, and 10 have two showers and two toilets, whilst flats of 4 have one shower and one toilet. If you book an en-suite room you will have your own bathroom. Standard accommodation also has basins in each of the bedrooms.

  15. Are there showers or baths?

    All halls have showers.
  16. What security is there in halls?

    All halls have either staff on duty around the clock or a 24-hour on-call service. All halls have CCTV and access codes/door entry systems for additional safety and security. º£½ÇÉçÇø’s university security are also available 24/7, and can be contacted at any time on 0116 257 7642. Put the number in your mobile so that you will always have it with you in case you need it.
  17. Where does my post go?

    All halls have secure postal boxes, at which mail is delivered direct to the house. Halls also have a parcel collection service. You will be informed of arrangements in each hall for collection of post.



Special requirements 

  1. Is there accommodation for disabled students?

    A limited amount of accommodation is available for disabled students. We encourage all students who feel that they have a disability that may affect them in their studies or their accommodation to declare their needs to the university. Students should initially make contact with the Disability Advice and Support team so that their needs can be identified early in the process. If necessary, the DAS team will then make a referral to the Accommodation Office informing us of your accommodation requirements.

    See more about the disability provision for accommodation at º£½ÇÉçÇø.

  2. What if I require a specific type of accommodation on medical grounds?

    If your disability or medical condition means that you need a specific type of accommodation i.e. en-suite, on a specific level, or within a particular distance from your main faculty building, then you can select your own room online. We are happy to discuss your choice with you. If adaptations will be required to make your room suitable, such as wheelchair access or a hearing package, then please contact the Disability Advice and Support team to discuss your requirements. They will then make a referral to the Accommodation Office.

    See more about the disability provision for accommodation at º£½ÇÉçÇø.

  3. If I am diabetic, can I have a fridge in my room?

    If you are diabetic or have another medical condition that requires a fridge to store medication we will ensure that one is provided in your room, providing you notify us. When you go online to book there will be an option asking if you require a fridge. You will then need to submit medical evidence to the DAS team who will approve your request. Please ensure that this is done as early as possible, as we may need to order new equipment. Late notice may result in the fridge not being available when you first move in.
  4. Is accommodation available for couples or families?

    All university accommodation is designed for single occupancy. If you are a couple and are both students, you can book your accommodation at the same time to ensure that your rooms will be near to each other. If you are in a couple or family looking for accommodation together in Leicester then we would recommend looking in the private-sector.
  5. I am going to be leaving the care system or am estranged from my family. What should I do?

    If you are a care leaver or are estranged from your family, then extra support may be available depending on your individual circumstances. Please speak to the Transitions Team as they may be able to provide you with useful information and support.
  6. What does the university do to meet religious, cultural, dietary requirements?

    The university operates a policy of non-discrimination. Whilst some flats are specifically designated male or female, socialising is common and some students’ diets may include meat or alcohol.



Living in halls 

  1. What happens when you move in?

    The halls operate an intake weekend, usually over the last weekend in September. In 2024, the dates are Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September. Contracts start from the Friday. Remember to book your arrival slot through our e-induction information. Once you arrive, you are checked in and given your keys, provided that you have signed the contract and made all the necessary advance payments.
  2. Do I need to move out during vacations?

    No. You can stay in halls during the Christmas and Easter vacations as the contract includes these holiday periods. All contracts end in July, so you will have to move out by the end-date of your contract unless you have arranged additional weeks at extra cost with your Hall Manager or the Accommodation Office.
  3. Can I smoke in my room?

    No. Smoking is strictly forbidden inside all our residences. You may however smoke outside the building in any specially designated smoking area.
  4. Can I keep pets in my accommodation?

    No. All of our halls (and indeed most private landlords) will say no to any pets - even goldfish!
  5. Can I have friends to stay in my room?

    As a rule we say no. Friends can visit your room but not sleep over. If you think you may have regular friends or family who might need to stay overnight, private-rented accommodation might be a better option for you, or you may have to consider booking them into a local hotel or B&B. Individual halls may allow an occasional overnight guest provided that they are made aware of it and your flat-mates agree. Please discuss any plans for friends to stay overnight with your hall manager prior to them arriving.
  6. What if I no longer want to live in halls?

    Your accommodation contract, whether with a university-managed or private hall, is a legally binding document. Once the accommodation contract is signed you will have to pay all the rent for the duration of the contract. Please ensure you have read and understood all the terms and conditions of the contract before you sign. If you are unhappy in your accommodation please speak to your Hall Manager for help with any problems that you are experiencing. If you want to leave your accommodation then you will need to find someone willing to take your place and pay the rent for the remainder of the contract; otherwise you will be liable for the full rent.

    The Accommodation Office and your hall will try to assist you with finding a replacement for your contract, so please make both parties aware that you no longer want your place in halls.

    In exceptional circumstances you may be released from your contract, but you would need to provide detailed information and evidence supporting your request to be released.

  7. I have withdrawn from my course and want to cancel my contract?

    If you withdraw from your course and are staying in either Bede or New Wharf Hall then we will terminate your contract. However, there is an early termination charge which is equivalent to eight weeks rent.

    If you are in private halls you will remain liable for the rent payments until the end of the tenancy period unless a replacement is found. In exceptional circumstances you may be released from your contract but you would need to provide detailed information and evidence supporting your request to be released.

  8. Can I move to a different room?

    If you are having problems in your flat or with your flat mates we would ask you to meet with your Hall Manager who can listen to your problems and advise you about possible solutions, which may involve a room move if necessary. If you want to move to a different hall or type of room then please contact the accommodation office and we will advise you of your options. We do not typically arrange for room swaps to take place for four weeks after the contract begins. After this period we will look at any requests that we have received and try to arrange for room swaps that would benefit all students involved.